Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Time

The last grains of sand fall through the hour glass, the year is once again coming to an end.  This time of year is stressful for most, right before Christmas, the shopping, the traffic, the snow that we love/ hate and are seemingly SHOCKED every year when we get it.  Like "OMG its so cold outside", "...ya", "omg, check out all the snow we are getting!", "....ya?" I hate to break it to you people, but we live in Canada, (eh?) so what do you expect.  I mean ya I know its usually the first place convos go when there is nothing to talk about, or maybe when you just don't want to talk about anything lol.  Anyway, I digress.
I love Christmas time, not that I notice any REAL change in people, except that they mention its Christmas time so they pretend to be (or just think they are being) nicer, when really they are being normal.  I just like the atmosphere, all the lights everywhere, the Xmas trees, decorations, the music, its all great!  Being older now the actual day does not mean as much to me for presents and such, but the season is just nice to be in, kind of makes winter not so bad...for December at least.
I hope we can all do some reflection in between stressing at this time of year, the new year is upon us! Time for resolutions that last a month instead of the year, and rebirth for those who need it/ believe in it/ can actually do it.  I personally have no resolutions almost every year, I want to go to the gym more, that's all, but it has not been happening, and might not happen either due to my weak ligaments. If I had one resolution this year it would be to write more! I want to write, and I may have (probably will have) more time for that in Jan if I can not find a job in 2 weeks (lol), that will be my first resolution in years!  I know its a bit early to talk about them, but why not, it has been something I have thought of all month, I will probably bring up resolutions more at the end of the month.
SO, how much time off do we all have!?  On Monday I was like, "I should book some time off probably", so I took off yesterday LOL, and 4 other days till the end of the month to visit with friends and relax and maintain a stable level of mental health until I leave this position. 
Some super exciting news for everyone, GUESS who is going to see Tron tonight!?!? Guess, cummon guess!! Ok fine, its ME! I won tickets to the premier on the radio!  I am excited for that and I will let all you common folk know how it is tomorrow! :P  I watched the original TRON on the weekend to get ready for Legacy.  It was made in 1982 and is just as cheesy now as you would think, even watching Jurassic Park im like OMG THIS IS SO FAKE! (but amazing), imagine something from 1982 lol.  Back then it was amazing! The visuals, the effects! ZOMG!  First time I saw it was in about 1989, so I was still young, but very impressed as I was already a geek at that young age.  I am excited to see what they have done with the new movie!  As you can tell (and per usual) I have no real topic today, I guess the biggest thing on my mind is not having a job for Jan, I am still looking though!  Hopefully something will turn up, and the return of my 2 friends for the holidays, ALSO my gf leaving me for the holidays :(.  I guess I will be entertained by my friends, but STILL!  I will let you know how the wonderful world of TRON is, I am thinking of starting a topic for this blog so I can focus...but what to do?  Ill get back to you.
Tempus Fugit

1 comment:

  1. Theme: random is totally cool. I find it hard to keep to one subject.

    The holidays are nice for seeing friends, family and feasting. Even though I find family get togethers so stressful.
