Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Updates for All Interested

How was everyone's weekend?  ....*crickets chirping* Cool, mine was great too! :)  I had a very relaxing weekend finally! A lot of hanging out and a couple different occasions.  Friday my girlfriend and I went to a friends surprise birthday party.  Which was fun, although we only knew about 2 people there; but still we are entertaining people so it was a good time!  Saturday was a big day, a couple of our best friends got engaged! We got to witness the engagement along with a small group of their family and close friends.  It was one of those beautiful moments that only happens once in a lifetime (hopefully) and I am truly happy we got to be there for it!
To think that my friends are now getting married and engaged is a big deal, I remember my early 20s, when marriage is no where on the radar, and life is just fun fun fun, and papers/ exams.  But really now all I can think of and see is the future and what needs to be done to get there.  As we all know, time flies and at this point I am supposed to be starting off my adult life (sigh), but at least I have a fun, amazing girlfriend and friends to keep other aspect of life young!  One thing that we should all feel in life is love, say it with me, LOOVEEEEE.. feels good right? such a warm feeling from a word/ emotion that we all long for.  Some people may say you don't need love, but maybe that is because they have never felt it?  All you love haters comment and let me know how you feel! 
In between these events and the Walking Dead season finally on Sunday night I engulfed myself in a world of danger, excitement, teamwork and "dead"ication ;).  The world of Left for Dead 2!!!! lol, I am a big gamer, although that is basically the only game I play currently.  It is great for soooo many reasons I can not get into them all because that would be a blog post in its own, probably a week long one actually! Maybe one day I will indulge you.  If any of you like to play and will be of more help than Ashelle in a zombie invasion, send me a message and I can add you to my steam account.  No noobs please :P.
Sometimes I wonder what really would go down if the plague hit?  Mental note: that will be one of my topics in the future.  I am going to post more since I missed the weekend, just thought I would do a friendly weekend overview!
Tempus Fugit,


  1. Woah, woahh... WOAH. Hold up. Who has mad machete skills? Who knows how to handle/clean and fire most fire arms? (thanks to my Uncle who taught me all that shit at a young age) & Who can kick your tall skinny ass? ME! That's who.

    In a zombie invasion, you and Mo will be knocking on MY DOOR for help. Don't you kid yourself in thinking that I will be useless in the plague of zombies.

  2. This is just going to turn into a zombie survival match haha, after the outbreak hits we will meet on the top of the CN tower on my bday too see who wins :p

  3. Ummm... When's your birthday? And survival tip 101: AVOID URBAN CITIES! this is you trying to get me in a zombie mob trap. We are heading North & rural.
