Thursday, December 2, 2010

This May be the Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Good morning one and all! Seems like it will just be one for now if only Ashelle is reading this though.  Lucky for you all (hopefully) I have little to do at work!  So here is my chance to brighten your day with something... well someone, who tends to put a damper on mine, really just moments in mine, but boy does she ERK me. 
Sidenote: You know, funny thing.. I was just going to write a post based on passed experiences, but she JUST did the thing I am about to write on lol!
So I work for the government for now (big surprise) on a quiet little floor in Ottawa.  The govt is a fairly timid and boring place to work by many standards.  I have rather large cubical ;) which used to be surrounded by vacant ones once upon a time, very private and quiet, just the way I like it.  Recently, a group has moved into the vacant cubicals, which is fine, except for one person... just one, who happens to be my neighbour (I hope she is not reading this).  Generally my days went by fairly well in the past, boring, but smooth; go in.. get my work done without falling asleep (mostly) and home till the next day.  But when she came, that all changed... it ALL CHANGED!
I will be doing my work, as usual, like a good little worker bee, and all of a sudden I hear something, something I NEVER hear at work, something so terrible my body actually reacts at the sound! ... you know what it is? can you guess? Im sure you just want me to tell you so I will.  Its a CURSE word!! But not just any curse words, this lady has a serious potty mouth and it really erks me off sometimes.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I do my fair share of swearing, but OUTSIDE of the office place.  There is nothing wrong with a good swear when you are really feeling it am I right? but common people, not at work, sack up! 
I think it has a lot to do with the INTENSITY that this lady swears at her computer, like she has a primal hatred for the thing.  Like what the hell is going on over there that you have to say "God Damnit, You Motherfucker!!" (can I say motherfucker on here? Am I going to get *bleeped* lol)?  These aren't tiny whisper swears either, the volume level is audible as anything else she talks about, is it so hard to swear to yourself?  Every time she opens her mouth to say something I get this feeling of stress and anxiety (like I am about to go on stage) in the anticipation of a dirty little swear (or big swear).  I seriously do not know why I get that feeling though, but I do and alas, I do not think my suffering will ever end.
What to do?  I COULD say something, but I know she will probably just continue.  I could tell her boss, but then I would be a snitch, and I hear they get stitches.. :S  I wonder what makes her so miserable, because this is a frequent occurrence people (or person lol).  Sometimes I want to go over there and just be like "CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!" or ask her "Is everything ok!?!? Oh, its just your computer? freakshow relax", then I would probably get in shit though.  Do you have any one at work like that or that has inappropriate office educate in some way, or is it just me that lucked out with this sparkling gem of a personality next to me?  What do you think I should do, any suggestions?  Ah fuck it, I will probably just leave it alone and steal all of her candy from her candy jar on the last day of my contract :D!
Until next time, Tempus Fugit.


  1. LMAO! I vote you steal her candy when the office is quiet... then when she swears, just pelt a few at her. Make sure you don't get caught.

    Or you can lighten up :P

    BTW you suck for telling Mo to pretend to ditch me tomorrow.

  2. Hahaha, I never get caught..

    And I thought it was funny, 3rd party funny of course...
